Coral Lecithin

Points: 8
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Product Consultation
Coral Lecithin Coral Lecithin The product boosts immunity and improves fat metabolism in the liver.

Form release: 120 Capsules

Key Benefits
The supplement has beneficial effect on cardiovascular conditions and atherosclerosis. It boosts energy after intense mental and physical activities.

As lecithin phospholipids are the base of all cellular membranes, including myelin membranes of nerve fibers, this supplement is an excellent support for the nervous system.

Coral Lecithin from the company Coral Club is one of the most versatile supplements. It is indispensable in maintaining all bodily functions and systems, including the central nervous system and gastrointestinal tract.

Choline and inositol (principal ingredients of lecithin) belong to the group of vital nutrients that are essential for brain function and peripheral nervous system.

Lecithin is indispensable for proper metabolism of fats. Phospholipids contained in lecithin normalize liver function, improve bile consistency, and are involved in metabolism.

Lecithin improves the cardiovascular system condition and promotes the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins.

Take one capsule two or three times a day with a meal.

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Coral Lecithin

