Choco Spirulina Bar

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Choco Spirulina Bar
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Strengthens the immune system, increases efficiency

Form: releaseBar 44 g


  • Nourishes the body and provides its useful energy.
  • Improves fat and cholesterol metabolism and digestion.
  • Strengthens the immune system and increases efficiency.

 Bar "Shoko with spirulina" - amazing taste combined with useful properties: maximum usable energy, the calorie and healthy body. Cleanses the body, improves the immune system and increases physical endurance.

 Bar "Shoko with spirulina" contains only herbal ingredients. This is a wonderful dietary product: does not contain artificial colors, flavor enhancers and preservatives.

 Intense chocolate flavor for adults and children!

 Oats and Cashew regulate lipid and cholesterol metabolism. Provide the body with protein, minerals, sugars, fiber, vitamins and unsaturated fatty acids.

 Rice - the most important source of valuable protein that is easily digested and reduces excessive appetite. Figure normalizes intestinal motility and improves digestion. Mineral elements contained in rice, strengthen the nervous system. Helps to control weight.

 Spirulina - an important component of a rational and balanced diet. Helps cleanse the body of toxins and normalize digestion. Improves metabolism and strengthens the immune system.

 Organic acids, vitamins and fiber provide agave and raisins. They feel better and have a restorative effect. Together they make chocolate bar "Shoko with spirulina" exquisite delicacy and helpful.

 All components have antioxidant activity, a positive effect on metabolism, immune system, nervous system and digestion.

 Health food, extremely useful for the health of the entire family.

 Indispensable in sports, increased mental and physical exertion.

 Also recommended for inclusion in the program for weight control.

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Choco Spirulina Bar

