krov2 The program of restoration and preservation of health developed by the Academy of Health Coral Club International. Based on the book O.A. Butakova "Compendium of health programs."

 Nutritsiological and rehabilitation programs developed by doctors of various specialties and are based on the natural means of the highest quality.

 Ginkgo Biloba - 1 capsule 2 times a day. Leaf extract of ginkgo biloba is able to maintain blood "fluid" state. Normalization processes occur at the enzymatic level. At the same time the drug strengthens blood vessels, restoring damaged intima (inner shell) vessels.

 Artichoke - 2 capsules 1 time a day at bedtime. Helps lower cholesterol, blood viscosity, neutralization of toxic substances and normalization of lipid metabolism.

 TrueLecithin or CoralLecithin - 1 capsule per day. Lowers cholesterol, improves memory and microcirculation, promotes normal bile secretion and absorption in the gut of fatty acids.

 DigestAble - 1 capsule 2 times a day before meals. Drink a glass of water.

 Garlic - 1 capsule 3 times a day during meals. It restores blood circulation and oxygen balance, particularly in the elderly.

 Assimilator - 1 capsule 3 times a day before meals. Is a complex enzyme containing mainly herbal ingredients and minerals. At this time, it is one of the best enzyme preparations in the world. Application assimilator completely solve the problem of splitting large protein molecules, which can lead to entry into the blood oxidized products.

 Coral Mine (Coral-Mine), Coral water, coral calcium - one bag to throw in a glass enclosed vessel with a capacity of 1.5 - 2 liters of drinking for 15-20 minutes before meals and 1 - 1.5 hours after eating. Drink during the day. You can drink capsules, tablets and powders. Aimed at maintaining optimal body water balance. Has improved biological properties (low surface tension, slightly alkaline pH levels, contains about 70 essential minerals, macro-and microelements in digestible form and optimal ratios, cleaned of chlorine and toxic substances), meets the needs of the body's cells. Water has an ordered structure of atoms becomes bioavailable digestible.


 The program includes enzymes alkalizing liquid vitamins, etc. The quality of the blood must be kept within the optimum homeostasis.

 Blood - the fluid that circulates in the blood system and transports the gases and other solutes needed for metabolism or resulting from metabolic processes.

 Function of the blood is much more complicated than just the transport of nutrients and metabolic waste. With blood also carries hormones that control many vital processes; blood regulates body temperature and protects the body from injury and infection in any part thereof.

 With blood and the blood supply is closely linked to virtually all processes related to digestion and breathing - two functions of the body, without which life is impossible.

 The first thing to do - is to limit consumption of foods that increase blood clotting. These include: buckwheat, all legumes, soy products, fatty meats (especially lamb), beets, cabbage red, white and colored, tomatoes, peppers, radishes, turnips, watercress, fennel, coriander, parsley, black and red currants, strawberries, bananas, and red chokeberry, Saskatoon, viburnum, dogwood, mulberry.

 Blood thinners promote natural salicylic salt and citric acid. They are found in raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, figs, lemon, cranberry, orange, grapefruit, cranberries, apricots, plums, cherries, grapes. Fatty fish species (especially herring and mackerel) helps reduce blood clotting. Try to eat every day one fruit of grapefruit, lemon or two (cut into small slices and pour sugar), orange or two, or a glass of berries. Add to green salads fresh leaves goutweed. If you do not have gastritis and peptic ulcer disease, then at lunch time eat 2 small cloves of garlic. Cold-pressed vegetable oil (especially linseed) - be sure to include in the daily menu. In soups and main dishes do not forget to put a bay leaf. Black tea replace nazeleny and drink coffee instead of cocoa.

 Try as much as possible to move more, walk at least 45 minutes a day, work as much as the house and the garden area - a perfect prevention of thrombosis and increased blood clotting.

 Thickening of the blood - this depletion liquid part of blood, ie, decreases in the peripheral blood of water and some electrolytes. As a result, the blood is thickened, increases its viscosity, changes the rheological properties of the blood, the number of cells per unit volume is relatively increased.

    Signs of thickening of blood:

  • High hemoglobin.
  • Fatigue.
  • Drowsiness.
  • Memory impairment, etc.

   Causes of blood clots:

  • Thrust diarrhea and vomiting.
  • Common second-degree burns when the mass of the liquid goes into the burn blisters.
  • Poisoning chemical warfare agents (CWA).
  • Iatrogenic pathology - inadequately conducted diuresis.
  • Excess hemoclastic function of the spleen.
  • Total acidification of the body.
  • Dehydration in very warm climates or very high physical loads.
  • Insufficient drinking or poorly digestible liquid (water absorbed in the large intestine). The water along with the blood flow delivers nutrients and oxygen to the cells. She acts like a solvent, diluting the blood and helping useful substances better assimilated.
  • Harmful effects of radiation.
  • Drinking large count of sugars and simple carbohydrates.
  • Just cause thick blood is - lack of vitamins and minerals, such as lecithin, vitamin C, zinc, selenium, etc., who are actively involved in the production of hormones and enzymes. To this lack of leads - a bad job of the liver, which is the main biochemical laboratory organism and needs timely cleaning activities. This is due to the fact that it is constantly experiencing stress. Especially in people who consume canned, smoked meat and sugary foods, as well as associated with hazardous working conditions and living in unfavorable environmental conditions.
  • Inadequate intake of salt can also be the cause of thick blood since blood - is saline.

    Pathological manifestations of blood clots:

  • Blood is thick, viscous, dark.
  • In vessels formed clots (especially significant changes are observed in the microvasculature with the formation of small blood clots and sludge phenomenon (bonding erythrocytes as rouleaux, sticking them to the wall of the capillary).

    *Programs are not drugs and their therapeutic doses much lower.

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